The Generic Mapping Tools

Brief introduction to GMT

[Generci Mapping Tools] @ Hongyu

GMT or generic mapping tools originated from commandline plotting tools. We used that often in seismology due to its high quality output figures. It could be frustrating to learn at the beginning, but is really rewarding when you finally get through the starting stage.

I used GMT for varies 2D or 3D plots to visualize tomography, seismicity distribution, station distribution, record section etc

The following are from their official website

GMT is an open-source collection of command-line tools for manipulating geographic and Cartesian data sets (including filtering, trend f itting, gridding, projecting, etc.) and producing high-quality illustrations ranging from simple x–y plots via contour maps to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3D perspective views. It supports many map projections and transformations and includes supporting data such as coastlines, rivers, and pol itical boundaries and optionally country polygons. [ Click here for their website! ]

GMT plot

Seismicity Plot in the central Midcontinent


The Central Midcontinent Seismicity

Here is a plot using IRIS seismicity data to plot out seismicity in the central Midcontinent

Large seismicity are marked with brighter red and smaller seismicity are marked as dark red

Outlining the state boundary and lake shore and have topography colored as intuitive elevation color

#! /bin/csh -f

gmtset BASEMAP_TYPE plain TICK_LENGTH -0.15c
gmtset TICK_LENGTH -0.15c
gmtset LABEL_FONT_SIZE 7.8p
gmtset ANOT_FONT_SIZE 7.8p
gmtset ANOT_FONT 4
gmtset LABEL_FONT 4
gmtset FRAME_PEN 0.8p
gmtset ANOT_OFFSET 0.15c
gmtset LABEL_OFFSET 0.01c

set border="-95/-84/32/43"
set WIDTH="8c"
set PEN="1.0p/120/120/120"
set TICKS="a10f5SWen"
set OFN = ""

pwd | psxy -R$border -JM$WIDTH -H -K -P -X3 -Y11 > $OFN
grdcut /data/etopo1.grd -Gtemp.grd -R$border
grdcut /data/ -R$border
grdimage temp.grd -R$border -JM  -Ctopo_hyxiao.cpt -K -O -V  >> $OFN
pscoast -JM -R$border -N1/1p -N2/0.25p,grey -W -N3/1p -K -O -V >> $OFN

psscale -Ctopo_hyxiao.cpt -D4/-1/6/0.25h -B100:"Elevation (m)": -P -O -K -V >> $OFN
psbasemap -R -Ba5f1/a2f1wEsN:."Central Midcontinent Seismicity": -JM -K -O -P -V >> $OFN

awk '{if ($6>1 && $4<= -80 && $6<=4) print $4,$3}' seismicity_2018_11_2.txt | psxy -JM -K -O -V -Sc0.1 -R -W2,darkred -Gdarkred >> $OFN
awk '{if ($6>4 && $4<= -80 ) print $4,$3}' seismicity_2018_11_2.txt | psxy -JM -K -O -V -Sc0.1 -R -W2,red -Gred >> $OFN
pwd | psxy -R -JM -H -Ba2f1/a1f1WSne -O >> $OFN

# psbasemap -R$border -B5g5WESN -JM -K -O >> $OFN

rm -f .gmtcommands4
rm -f .gmtdefaults4
ps2pdf $OFN
gs -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dEPSCrop -r600 -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=Midwest_Seismicity.png $OFN

GMT plot

MD04 Seismic Station Location


The MD04 Station on CRUST1.0 Sediment Map

Here is a plot using IRIS station data to plot out seismic station in the central Midcontinent

Basemap was CRUST 1.0 sediment data

Outlining the state boundary and lake shore

  #! /bin/csh -f 

  # Input Setting
  # Take input in oder of Name, Latitude, Longitude, Latitude-0.5 ,Output
  # MF10 30 90 29.5
  set Station_Name = $1
  set Station_Latitude = $2
  set Station_Longitude = $3
  set Station_Longitude_Label = $4  # this is setting the value for Latitude-0.5
  set Output_File_Name = $5
  echo "Station Name: "$Station_Name
  echo "Station Latitude: "$Station_Latitude
  echo "Station Longitude: "$Station_Longitude
  echo "Output File Name: "$Output_File_Name
  # Set up the Paper for plotting
  gmtset BASEMAP_TYPE plain TICK_LENGTH -0.15c
  gmtset LABEL_FONT_SIZE 7.8p
  gmtset ANOT_FONT_SIZE 7.8p
  gmtset ANOT_FONT 4
  gmtset LABEL_FONT 4
  gmtset FRAME_PEN 0.8p
  gmtset ANOT_OFFSET 0.15c
  gmtset LABEL_OFFSET 0.01c
  gmtset HEADER_FONT_SIZE 10p
  # GMT setting plots
  set Border="-95/-84/32/43"  # Midcontinent
  set Width="8"
  set Pen="1.0p/120/120/120"
  set Ticks="a10f5SWen"
  set Basemap="-Ba2f1/a2f1"
  set Input_Filename = "/data/GSA_related/Crust_1_0/crust1.0/"
  set Cpt_Filename = "/data/GSA_related/Crust_1_0/crust1.0/sediment.cpt"
  set White_Cpt = "white.cpt"
  echo -10000 255 255 255 10000 255 255 255 > white.cpt
  # Plot out the location of the station
  pwd | psxy -R$Border -JM$Width -H -K -P -X3 -Y10 > $Output_File_Name
  grdcut /data/etopo1.grd -Gtemp.grd -R$Border
  grdcut /data/ -R$Border
  grdimage temp.grd -R$Border -JM  -C$White_Cpt -K -O  >> $Output_File_Name
  surface $Input_Filename -I0.05 -R -Gout.grd
  grdview temp.grd -Gout.grd -C$Cpt_Filename -R -JM -Qi300 -K -O >> $Output_File_Name
  pscoast -R -J -Na/0.25p -W0.1p $Basemap -K -O -P >> $Output_File_Name
  #echo "-90.0688 37.7448" | psxy -JM -K -O -V -St0.6 -R -W2,blue -Gblue >> $Output_File_Name  # print Station Name
  echo $Station_Longitude $Station_Latitude | psxy -JM -K -O -V -St0.6 -R -W2,blue -Gblue >> $Output_File_Name  # print Station Name
  pstext -R -JM$Width -O -N -K -Gblack << END >> $Output_File_Name
  $Station_Longitude $Station_Longitude_Label 14 0 1 CM $Station_Name
  psscale -C$Cpt_Filename -D2.8/-1/6/0.25h -B2:"Sediment thickness (km)": -O -K -V >> $Output_File_Name
  psbasemap -R -B:."Midcontinent Sediment Thickness": -J -K -O -P -V >> $Output_File_Name
  ps2pdf $Output_File_Name

Contact Me
Feel free to contact me


1301 W, Green St., Urbana, U.S.A




Hongyu Xiao

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